Road Maintenance

If you have any comments or concerns, please email [email protected] and your message will be forwarded to the correct person to address your issue.  

Fox Run operates private roads owned by the individual homeowners and no City or County services are available for these roads.  The HOA uses the dues collected from the homeowners to maintain the roads in accordance with the budgeted funds collected from annual dues.

Owners own the road section adjacent to their land up to the center of the road.  It is therefore, the responsibility of the Owner to maintain their ditches and keep them clear of debris.

Causes of Road Damage:
Gravel roads deteriorate constantly and need regular maintenance to perform and be safe.  However, there are several factors that accelerate road deterioration:
  1. Speeding.  Beyond being a safety hazard, speeding increases the deterioration of the roads and throws gravel into ditches.  Please slow down and instruct your guests to honor our speed limits.
  2. Inadequate gravel.  Each year, 15 to 30 truckloads of gravel must be added as the existing gravel breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces until it becomes dust.  Added gravel is necessary to keep the structure and crown in tack.
  3. Improper driveway snow plowing particularly pushing snow across the road and into the ditch across the road.  Please advise your plow contractor to not push snow across the roads.
  4. Salt.  Unlike paved roads where salt is applied and allowed to cut through the snow down to the pavement where it creates a salt slurry and melts all the snow and ice, applying salt to a gravel road only cuts through and sinks into the gravel and never creates a melting slurry.  Salt also damages the limestone gravel. Therefore, Fox Run will only apply sand to the roads.  
Snow Plowing:
During the winter months, all the Development roads will be plowed using methods appropriate for gravel roads.  Gravel roads are not maintained in the same manner as City or County roads.  During the early winter and spring, when the roads are not frozen solid, care will be taken to remove snow, but the plow blades will be lifted to leave some snow on the road.  This is so the plow blades do not destroy the road beds.  This also means that careful driving is necessary during these times as the roads may have slippery spots.

The contractor will plow if accumulation is more than 2 inches.  During a storm the roads will be kept passible, and then plowed 100% following the storm.  Sand will be applied as needed.  If there are icy spots present that need to be sanded, please send a note to [email protected] and the issues will be addressed promptly.  Please be safe and drive carefully.

Annual Road Maintenance:
At least once, and up to three times during the year, excavation equipment will be operating on the roads in order to correct any road profile damage during the year, removal of ruts, and adding gravel to the road bed.  Periodically, culvert and ditch maintenance will be performed. 

Ditch Maintenance:
Each land Owner owns the property up to the center of the road along their land.  However, the FRSAACC has an easement up to the 2" steel survey markers for the purpose of providing and maintaining the development roads including drainage ditch and culvert functionality.  The cosmetic condition and landscaping of the ditches, however, are the responsibility of each Owner.  From time to time, the FRSAACC may contract for ditch mowing, gravel and debris removal, or tree trimming if a safety condition exists, and the Owners are assessed extra to cover such costs if not budgeted.  If an owner chooses to mow their ditch they bear the responsibility of the maintenance.  If gravel is thrown beyond the HOA easement, a request to the Board for remediation may be made.  Regular sweeping of the ditches is bad for road quality as organic matter mixing with the gravel deteriorates the road quality.  Special Assessments shall be applied equally to all Owners in conformance with the Covenants.  The HOA only takes in a fixed amount of income from dues and if the expenses exceed the income, assessments are necessary.